
Security and Shipping

Shop with peace of mind knowing your payments are secure

At Houston Camera Exhange we take credit card fraud very seriously. Our website and servers are designed with the highest level and up to date of security measures. We not only use the standard SSL-DSS compliance manner, we have implemted the newest technology in online payment security. When you place an order through us, your credit card information is immediatly sent to NCR's secure servers where the card number, name and cvv code are scrambled and a "token" is generated. The token is then sent to your bank for authorization. Only your bank can read this token. At no point is your credit card number or personal information stored on our servers or in our database. Thus greatly reducing the chances of credit card breach. 

Fast, reliable shipping

NOTE: All orders over $700.00 will require adult signature.

We ship orders within the 48 contiguous states. Most orders received by 2pm central will ship the same day. (excluding weekends and major holidays. We normally ship Fedex and offer expedited shipping when you need fast.  Shipping charges are based on weight and shipping zones. We do not mark up our shipping and no handling charges are added.